10 Worst TV Shows Of 2023 (So Far)

2023's small screen output hasn't been without its flaws...

The Idol Lily-Rose Depp

Although the first half of 2023 has been a mostly great year for the big world of the small screen, there have been countless duds amongst the diamonds.

From returning disasters that keep finding new ways to outdo themselves in the worst way to new thrillers that mean well (and may yet become something better in future seasons) but get bogged down by their intentions, the following shows aren't entirely unforgivable, but their flaws massively outweigh their virtues.

Of course, it's not easy for anyone to make a show, regardless of its quality, and with all of these shows there is certainly some passion happening behind and in front of the camera, it's just that the final results aren't up to code. Many of them should have been movies -- one and done -- a recurring issue that's become very frustrating.

With that in mind, then, from Arnie's tiresome small screen debut to two adult animated comedies that wear out their one joke in the first episode, here are the 10 worst shows of 2023 (so far).

10. Digman!

The Idol Lily-Rose Depp
Comedy Central

It brings me absolutely no pleasure to report that Andy Samberg's TV return Digman! is a bit of a flop, a promising little comedy that starts strong and looks perfectly fine, but ultimately succumbs to its repetitive meta humour and one-note characters.

There's plenty of joy to be found in Samberg's performance as a downtrodden archaeologist, because he's having such a blast bringing back his iconic SNL Nic Cage impression, but the truth is the whole gimmick loses steam quite early, and the whole what-if-National-Treasure-had-dick-jokes premise doesn't last.

If you're looking for a Brooklyn Nine-Nine reunion (the voice cast also includes Melissa Fumero, Joe Lo Truglio and Tim Meadows) then look no further, but don't go in expecting a comedy that leave you begging you for more. At least this is only its first season -- there's still plenty of time to improve.

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The Idol
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i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other