11 Actors Who Could REPLACE Ruby Rose As Batwoman

8. Jeri Ryan

Adrienne Palecki Batwoman

Trek Alumni Jeri Ryan has had strong silent type nailed since her introduction as Seven of Nine to the crew of Voyager since the very beginning (it comes with the territory when you're an emotionless Borg Drone)

Its her more recent acting showcase however that has made her a potential candidate for the cowl. Seven grew in personality throughout Voyagers 7 season run but its her tenure in Picard that has made her a forerunner here.

Not only has Jeri Ryan moulded Seven into a no nonsense freedom fighter operating outside of any jurisdictions ( sound familiar?) but has also shown the side of a woman in conflict with an ex girlfriend.

Although the relationship between Kate and Sophie was not as rage fueled as the history between seven and underworld boss Bajayzl, Ryan showed she is more than capable of showing her hurt side and bruised ego. Better still with the show leaning toward a further relationship between Seven and Ravi, who's to say that the warmth that relationship may provide could be set up with the new Kate Kane.


Stubborn Robin championer, obsessive Whovian and lover of any Fantasy that could be seen as Final at the time.