11 Beloved TV Shows With More Bad Seasons Than Good

6. Doctor Who

The Defenders

For a show that's essentially been on TV for over 50 years, it's impressive just how much life there still is in Doctor Who. Thanks to a revival in 2005, nuWho has continued to make the long-standing series relevant for modern audiences, birthing a new generation of fans and creating some bona fide stars in the process.

However, if you look at the long history of Doctor Who's time in the spotlight, there have been more duds than there have been hits. While the amazing run in the mid-1970s birthed some particularly excellent seasons, the '60s didn't fare so well. With so many episodes produced - often over 40 a season, many of which were lost in the depths of the BBC - a lot of the early run lacks the focus and overall quality of later years, despite standout episodes still making them worthwhile.

Even in the more recent revival series things haven't always been rosy, with the latter half of Matt Smith's run as the Time Lord in particular being an abysmally bloated low point. It's still iconic, and there are gems to be found, but Doctor Who is a frustrating beast when taken as a whole.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3