11 Important Things To Remember About Game Of Thrones Before Watching Season 7
8. Bran Stark Is Marked By The Night King
Speaking of Bran, when he was being an idiot by disobeying the Three-Eyed Raven’s warnings about visiting the past too often, he found himself surrounded by thousands of wights. This led to the Night King finding Bran and leaving him with a permanent tattoo on his wrist.
The brand allows the Night King to know where Bran is at all times, as demonstrated by him quickly locating the Three-Eyed Raven’s home after encountering the crippled Stark. But, even though the mark has already resulted in the deaths of Summer and Hodor, it has the potential to wreak far greater havoc.
Supposedly, the Wall - the one being defended by acting Lord Commander Eddison Tollett and his small army of black enveloped brothers – can be destroyed by the Horn of Winter, a missing device that the Free Folk believe in.
Yet, with the existence of this horn not being confirmed, it is probable that the White Walkers will overcome the Wall’s magic because of Bran the Idiot.
If Bran makes it South of the Wall, then it is likely that the Night King’s mark will supersede the magic which has prevented him and his army from traversing through the giant ice block.
With season 7 being the penultimate chapter, its cliff-hanger is likely to fade out with the White Walkers invading Westeros.