11 Questions All Fans Of Bates Motel Are Asking

11. What Will You Do If Your Son Grows Up Like Norman?

So far you've learned that your son has black outs, is ridiculously crazy and has killed a few more people than your average teenager, so what do you do? Baby him. Norma is extremely protective over Norman but at the same time, it's so beyond weird that you've just accepted how strange they are together. But you're sort of jealous. Well maybe not jealous, but more curious. Either way, if your kid grows up showing any Normanish signs, you're kicking them out and leaving them in some box in the middle of nowhere to get rained on and covered in cockroaches.
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Bates Motel
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com