11 TV Moments Everyone Was Waiting For (That Never Happened)

2. Lady Stoneheart - Game Of Thrones

Lady Stoneheart

George R.R. Martin delivered one of his most stunning plot twists to date at the end of the third A Song of Ice and Fire book, A Storm of Swords, with the reveal that Catelyn Stark had been brought back to life. Sort of. Although she cannot speak, Catelyn, now known as Lady Stoneheart, has been reanimated by the Brotherhood Without Banners, and now seeks vengeance upon the Lannisters, Boltons, and Freys.

When it came towards the end of Season 4, then, there was a lot of expectation from book readers and show watchers in the know that Stoneheart would be turning up. Even Lena Headey appeared to be teasing it. But then the Season 4 finale came and went, and the credits rolled, and the show was over, and there was no appearance.

But that's ok, because they're just saving her for Season 5, right? That way there'll be more to do, and they can have a better idea of how to fit her in. But still, no, and now the time has passed and the showrunners have confirmed Stoneheart will never appear, with aspects of her arc being passed on to her daughters (just, y'know, sans the zombie bit). Luckily we'll have The Winds of Winter to reveal what happens with her story... oh.


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.