12 Actors Who Hated Their Own TV Characters

4. Chevy Chase - Pierce Hawthorne (Community)

Chevy Chase Community

Much has been written of Chevy Chase's tumultuous involvement in Dan Harmon's cult comedy show Community, with Chase frequently bristling with Harmon and other cast members during his four-season tenure.

Chase reportedly took issue with the show's tonal direction and what he perceived as Harmon's decision to make his character, Pierce Hawthorne, increasingly unlikeable. He famously said, "It’s just a f***ing mediocre sitcom! I want people to laugh, and this isn’t funny."

In fairness, Chase has a storied history of upsetting colleagues over the course of his career, with Community co-star Donald Glover even claiming that Chase directed racist remarks towards him.

Chase may have reasonable issues with Harmon's writing, but the guy sure doesn't do a great job of endearing himself to people.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.