12 Craziest South Park Fan Theories
So Cartman only hates Jews and Gingers because he is gay and secretly in love with Kyle?
With well over two hundred episodes (and many more to come) of scathing satire, allegories on world events, Cartman getting into some weird trouble, and Kenny dying (again), South Park is a show that remains stupid, insightful, refreshing, and hilarious. Unlike other long-running animated shows like The Simpsons or even Family Guy, South Park plays around in an incredibly elastic, and occasionally inconsistent, universe where everything and anything weird and crazy can happen. Because of the show's tendency to not explain why some things in South Park are the way they are, some fans decided put on their tinfoil hats and come up with a few plausible explanations to some of South Park's mysteries. So here are twelve creative and crazy theories that fans have come up with in order to figure out why some things in South Park are so nuts.
12. South Park Is Set In The Same Universe As Peanuts