12 Hilariously Bad Attempts To Reboot Classic TV Shows

11. Coupling

During a run of successful adaptations of BBC shows, NBC signed on to create an American version of the hit comedy Coupling. With creator Steven Moffat, (who is now better known on both sides of the Atlantic for 'Doctor Who' and 'Sherlock') on board it was expected to be a big hit. In 2003 Coupling was wanted by NBC to help replace outgoing mega-hit Friends. Dubbed the cruder, British equivalent, Coupling seemed to be the perfect choice but the US version didn't connect at all. Only four of the planned ten episodes were broadcast. Meanwhile BBC America took advantage of NBC's troubles, running a 'Nothing beats the original' campaign to advertise their showings of the British version. In the aftermath even the president of NBC, Jeff Zucker, publicly conceded that 'it just sucked.' In trying to work out what went wrong a lot of finger pointing has ensued. Frustrated, Moffat blamed the network for meddling too much and causing creative differences behind the scenes. But rather than differences, many critics suggest that the scripts were too similar to the originals and the British sense of humour simply didn't translate for an American audience.

I have one golden rule: There is no such thing as a guilty pleasure. Any song or film that makes you feel good doesn't need justifying.