12 Hugely Disappointing Seasons Of Beloved TV Shows

9. Hannibal Season 3

USS Callister Black Mirror
Sony Pictures Television

Hannibal is probably the greatest horror show of the 21st century... or was anyway. Despite being widely acclaimed for the incredible visual style, depraved gore and magnetic performances, the show suffered from low ratings and was cancelled after three seasons. This was widely lamented, but the cancellation isn't quite as unjust as you thought.

Hannibal seriously lost its way by the end. Regarding season three, the first half dealt with Mason Verger and basically retold the events of Hannibal; it did this far better than the belated sequel to Silence of the Lambs from 2001. That was still very good, but the second half of the season, which jumped ahead three years and tackled the Red Dragon story-line, was a huge let-down.

Lacking the incredible gore effects, thrilling twists and psychological depth of previous episodes, this entire story-line ended up being a rote murder mystery that culminated in a dumb cliff-hanger ending that might never be followed up on. The performances were still strong, but in these last episodes the show completely lost its spark.

Ultimately, this was a mediocre end to a once-great show. That being said, since any continuation would move onto The Silence of the Lambs, which is a far better narrative, Hannibal could probably return to its former glory if it was revived. Fingers crossed.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.