12 Insane Things You Didn't Know About The Walking Dead

9. The Zombie Actors Don't Make The Zombie Sounds

The Walking Dead

If there's one backstage fact that almost everyone knows about The Walking Dead, it's the existence of the infamous "Zombie School" where the Walkers are taught how to best capture the dread of the undead. Still, when it comes to training them how to make the best zombie sounds, they can probably take the day off.

Part of what makes the Walkers so scary is the inhuman and uncomfortable noises they make. They give across a sense of animalism and decay that screams horror right in your face. But, to capture this monstrous sound, the actors are required to perform in silence and the SFX are added in post-production by a very talented team of Foley artists.

The combination of the actor's movements, the make-up and the post-production sound is what comes together to make these creatures so terrifying. Still, it must be strange to be on set fighting these scary beasties in utter silence.


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