12 Most Beloved Star Trek: The Next Generation Episodes

7. All Good Things... - Season 7 Episode 25

Star Trek Picard All Good Things

Picard begins shifting between the past, present, and future in this thrilling and emotionally satisfying finale. All Good Things... is able to balance so many moving parts while never losing focus on the main plot involving a mysterious anomaly growing in the Devron System. Picard has to figure out its connection to the other timelines with no less than the fate of humanity hanging in the balance. It is big and ambitious but never loses sight of the people within and the emotional core of the story.

The first part is the classic getting the band back together. An older Picard suffering from Irumodic Syndrome, a type of 24th-century dementia causing others to suspect he is hallucinating, visits his old crewmates leading to many entertaining glimpses at how their lives turned out. The cast has a blast playing older grumpier versions of themselves and the script mines a lot of humor in these encounters. For example, Data is a Cambridge professor with an artificial streak of grey hair and a housekeeper who keeps telling him it looks ridiculous.

Meanwhile, Q keeps appearing to provide Picard with his usual condescending remarks and vague clues. Patrick Stewart and John de Lancie once again display great chemistry making their verbal philosophical jousts satisfying and engaging. Finally, the climax involving three versions of the Enterprise entering the Devron System has a cinematic quality while Picard and Q's final scene is a callback to the pilot when humanity was placed on trial making it an effective bookend. The cherry on top is sweet epilogue as Picard finally joins the crew’s longstanding poker game signifying the beginning of an even closer intimate relationship amongst them.

Overall, It's a fitting finale filled with all the good things we have come to love from Star The Next Generation.


Lover of movies, TV, kdramas, and anime. New dad who can't wait to take his son to the cinema for the first time.