12 New Marvel TV Shows Coming In 2021 & Beyond

3. Ironheart

Loki Is Brighter
Marvel Comics

In the wake of the absolute heartbreak that was Iron Man Tony Stark’s date, a new genius is stepping forward to fill the dark hole in our hearts.

Ironheart will star Dominique Thorne as Riri Williams, an inventor similar in ability to Tony Stark, who brings to life a suit of armor even more advanced than the earlier workings of Ironman.

Her character has appeared a few times before in The Invincible Iron Man comics, with the most recent of these appearances being in 2016. As such we don’t know for sure what the series will cover and what direction her character will be taken in.

Obviously it would be impossible to replace Stark, but Williams could be a central part of how his legacy lives on. We will surely see the shadow of the late great inventor over all parts of the MCU, and for now we can look forward to this character and storyline being an important part of that.


WhatCulture's shortest contributor (probably). Lover of cats, baked goods and Netflix Originals.