12 New Marvel TV Shows Coming In 2021 & Beyond

5. Moon Knight

Loki Is Brighter

One of the lesser-known characters in the MCU, Marc Spector (otherwise known as Moon Knight) is a superhuman haunted by his own dark side.

The vigilante suffers from dissociative identity disorder, with each of his identities acting as unique characters inside his psyche. Previously a boxer, a Marine and a CIA operative, Spector steps into the Moon Night identity after he is saved from near-death by the Egyptian deity Khonshu.

A few months ago it was reported that Oscar Isaac was in talks to play the role, but not much has been mentioned since. As expected there were mixed reactions to this casting, with some people claiming he would be the perfect actor for such a nuanced and flexible role whilst others argued he was too big of a star already and that, given Marc Spector’s Jewish heritage and how important that is to the character, it should be a Jewish actor who plays him.

Directed by Egyptian screenwriter, Mohamed Diab, the series will surely be a dark and complex look into the circumstances and endeavours of this jaded hero.


WhatCulture's shortest contributor (probably). Lover of cats, baked goods and Netflix Originals.