12 Problems With Every Marvel Netflix Show

2. The Lack Of A Universe "Godfather"

Kevin Feige

One of the major reasons the MCU movies have scored an unprecedented level of critical praise and box office glory is that there's a single "Godfather" for the entire enterprise, in Marvel Studios big-wig Kevin Feige.

Feige takes an extremely hands-on approach to managing the various movies in-production, and the result is that even the worst offerings into the MCU - looking at you, Thor: The Dark World - aren't any worse than generic and forgettable.

More importantly, all these films feel as though they exist within the same world, making their eventual collision in Avengers: Infinity War feel mostly organic.

But the Netflix MCU lacks the same guiding force, and though it would've obviously been too much for Kevin Feige to get involved on this side of the fence, it's clear that the lack of a universal caretaker has severely dented the quality of the output tonally, stylistically and narratively.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.