12 Problems With Every Marvel Netflix Show

10. Hit-And-Miss Villains

Luke Cage Diamondback

Just like the MCU films, the Marvel Netflix shows are an incredibly mixed bag when it comes to their villains.

Though Daredevil has rightly milked Vincent D'Onofrio's Wilson Fisk for every drop he's worth and the first season of Jessica Jones boasted the ludicrously entertaining Kilgrave (David Tennant), the rest of the shows and seasons have mostly struggled to keep up.

Especially rough were the embarrassing-looking Diamondback (Erik LaRay Harvey) from Luke Cage's first season, the thorough waste of Sigourney Weaver's talents that was The Defenders' Alexandra, and the excessive focus on the deathly dull The Hand throughout too many of the seasons.

Elsewhere there were promising villains who didn't quite come together satisfactorily. For instance, Cottonmouth (Mahershala Ali) was boldly killed off half-way through Luke Cage's first season, but it ultimately wasn't a gamble that was worthwhile despite Alfre Woodard's solid effort as Mariah Dillard.

If we're being a bit charitable, Bushmaster (Mustafa Shakir) from Luke Cage's second season was probably the closest thing these shows have had to an impressionable, memorable villain outside of Fisk or Kilgrave, and over more than 100 hours of content, that's pretty depressing.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.