12 Rarest Stranger Things Funko Pop! Figures (And How Much They're Worth)

Do you happen to have any of these Funko Pop! figures in your collection?

Funko Pop! Stranger Things Steve

Let's be honest, who hasn't heard of Funko Pops!?

These stylised figures have basically revolutionised the idea of collecting memorabilia, whether from film, television, gaming, or even celebrities. So, it should come as no surprise that these black-eyed statues can be seen in practically every nerd's home. It goes without saying, though, that some Funko Pops! are more widely collected than others, and it all boils down to which most popular franchises have been Pop!-ified!

Given the various re-paints, characters, and poses, it is safe to assume that the Stranger Things Funko Pop! line is among the most popular available varieties. The original Stranger Things collection dates back to 2017 when basic moulds of the season one characters were put on shop shelves. However, today, these Funko Pops! cover almost every surface of this fantasy series, including famous scenes and terrifying creatures!

Today we'll find out which Stranger Things Funko Pops! are the rarest, and which figures collectors are willing to pay top dollar for. So, from one collector to another, let's count down the list to the most sought-after Stranger Things Funko Pop! of all time.

12. Max Mayfield With Skateboard

Funko Pop! Stranger Things Steve

At number 12, we have the standard version of Max Mayfield, complete with her red jacket and iconic skateboard from the second season.

Hitting shelves in 2017 after the release of season two, this Funko Pop! wasn't anything exclusive and was relatively easy to find, to an extent. However, like many entries on this list, this Pop! has now become vaulted, which means that this particular figurine is discontinued and no longer in production.

So, with the release of season four this year - a season which featured a focus on Max's character - the value of her debut Funko Pop! undoubtedly rose. Instead of trending at retail, this item is presently sitting at roughly $70 - $80 USD as of this publication. Because it's discontinued, the price is expected to rise even further, making it even more difficult for fans to find!

11. Steve And Demodog Pop! Moment

Funko Pop! Stranger Things Steve

Like Max's standard pop, this entry on the list is also from Stranger Things' second season. This Funko Pop! Moment is a must-have for every fanatic, since it features the phenomenal Steve Harrington (with his signature baseball bat) against the deadly Demodog.

This Funko Pop was introduced in 2018 and first retailed for around $30 USD.

However, since it has been retired, this item has certainly gained traction over time and has steadily increased in price. So, die-hard Stranger Things fans who want to buy this iconic moment on eBay should prepare to shell out approximately $100 to $200.

10. Eleven In The Rainbow Room (Target Exclusive)

Funko Pop! Stranger Things Steve

Although not as pricey as the previous entry due to a recent release, this Funko Pop! Moment is definitely worth keeping an eye on.

This Target exclusive figure, which displays the epic season four battle between Eleven and 001, was just launched a few months ago but is already seeing a gradual price hike. At a retail price of $30, Funko Pop! valuation websites are currently placing the item at around $50 - $60, which already shows an increase in value, despite a recent release!

Although this Funko Pop! may continue to be manufactured, supply may fall short of demand, resulting in eBay resellers demanding high prices! However, there is no question that the price will increase quickly if this figure were to be vaulted.

9. The Duffer Brothers 2 Pack (Hot Topic Exclusive)

Funko Pop! Stranger Things Steve

Not only do we have Funko Pops! of many Stranger Things characters, but we also have figures of the show's creators, the Duffer Brothers, which comes in a two-pack and offers two different variants.

Firstly, we have the Upside Down edition, which comes with Matt and Ross painted in a ghostly monochrome, capturing the Upside Down's ominous atmosphere.

However, the priciest variant is the Hot Topic exclusive, which features Matt and Ross in standard paintwork. Due to the rarity of no longer being produced, this 2018-released two-pack fetches up to an approximate $90.

It wouldn't be unexpected to see the value of these figures skyrocket even higher, especially after Stranger Things' final season.

8. Halloween Billy

Funko Pop! Stranger Things Steve

This debut figure of Billy, released in 2018 alongside the second season two's second wave of Funko Pop! figures, features the character wearing his leather jacket from the memorable Halloween party scene.

When it was first released, fans could purchase this Pop! for roughly $15 at retail, but since the season four premiere, the value has skyrocketed to between $80 and $95.

Similar to Max's standard season two Pop!, this Billy Hargrove figure has risen in value due to being discontinued. So, if fanatics want to get their hands on this Funko, they'll have to buy it from resellers, where the value will continuously creep up!

7. Nancy Wheeler With Gun

Funko Pop! Stranger Things Steve

This 2017 released Nancy Pop! was part of season one's second wave of figures, alongside the release of Hopper, Jonathan, Brenner and Eleven in her hospital gown.

Nancy's design and attire of this Funko were inspired by the scene in which she practises shooting at beer cans in preparation for fighting the Demogorgon. However, since this figure is so tricky to find, Nancy's value has soared past that of the other figures in her wave. This is due to a variety of factors.

Firstly, although the Funko app claims that the Pop! is still being manufactured, retail store shelves haven't seen this figure in years. Secondly, this is the only Nancy Pop! ever produced (until now, with her season four two-pack with Robin.)

Thus, it should be plainly obvious why this Pop! is highly sought after by collectors and fans, placing Nancy's value at an estimated $100!

6. Eddie Munson (Target Exclusive)

Funko Pop! Stranger Things Steve

Although it was only released this year, the Target exclusive figure of newcomer Eddie Munson quickly sold out everywhere.

Fans of Stranger Things fell in love with this wildly popular Funko Pop! thanks to Eddie's rocking long hair and iconic electric guitar, propelling its perceived value to ridiculous levels. This is where buyers started buying this Pop! for insane prices on auction sites like eBay.

Despite its recent retail price of $11.99, sale prices on eBay varied widely on a scale of $100 to $250! Hopefully, the value will drop as more Eddies arrive on retail shelves, but as of this publication, the value is roughly $120, which is a bit mad!

5. Max Mayfield In Michael Myers Costume (Target Exclusive)

Funko Pop! Stranger Things Steve

At number five, we have another Max Mayfield Funko Pop!, but this time it's stylised in her Michael Myers mask and outfit from the second episode of season two.

A considerable assortment of the characters from season two's Pop! range were dressed up for Halloween, including Bob in a vampire costume and the main Dungeons and Dragons crew in their Ghostbusters attire. However, this Hot Topic exclusive of Max is by far the rarest and most expensive.

This Funko Pop! achieved popularity with fanatics when it was first released but didn't reach its extreme value until earlier this year. Most likely, as a result of the recent season's popularity, collectors are expected to cough up approximately $140 to have this figure in their collection. And this value will likely continue to rise!

4. Steve Harrington With Bat (Summer Convention 2017 Exclusive)

Funko Pop! Stranger Things Steve

The most iconic Funko Pop! in the Stranger Things collection is, without a doubt, this 2017 San Diego Comic Con exclusive version of Steve Harrington, who is stylised with his baseball bat with nails from the season one finale.

It goes without saying that if a Pop! is a convention exclusive, the value will likely climb over time, and this entry is no exception. Vaulted with two subvariants, fans need to splash out a significant amount of money if they want this figure for their collection.

Collectors should be prepared to pay an estimated $320 - $350 for this Funko Pop! with the SDCC sticker, compared to an estimated $140- $190 for the shared summer convention version. You must be cautious, though, as many fake versions of this Steve are being sold on eBay and other online auction shops.

3. Robin (SDCC 2018 Fundays - LE 1800)

Funko Pop! Stranger Things Steve

The following two entries go hand in hand with justifications for why they both share high values.

This extremely collectable Funko Pop! depicts Robin in her Scoops Ahoy attire. However, it was based on the third season's first trailer promo, as this figure was produced in 2018 before the third year premiered in 2019.

Like the last entry on the list, this Robin Pop! is an SDCC convention exclusive, but the difference is that it's exclusive to Funko Fundays (a convention that Funko promotes.).

So, successful Funko collectors who acquired a mystery box received the opportunity to obtain this Robin Pop!, among many other valuable figures. As a result, this figurine, which is restricted to only 1800 pieces globally, is highly scarce and thus quite valuable.

If you're a devoted Stranger Things fan who wants to purchase Robin's debut Funko Pop!, be prepared to splurge over $400!

2. Steve Harrington (SDCC 2018 Fundays - LE 1800)

Funko Pop! Stranger Things Steve

Along with the SDCC 2018 Robin Funko Pop!, collectors at the Fundays also had the chance to receive this Scoops Ahoy Steve Harrington in their mystery box.

Currently, there have been three different Steve Scoops Ahoy Pop! items available from Funko, each of which is in a different pose. In 2019, there were two variants: one with Steve holding an ice cream cone and another with him carrying an ice cream sundae. However, the 1800-piece limited edition Steve from 2018 holds the most significant value.

Certainly a little more expensive than the Scoops Ahoy Robin counterpart, this Steve Harrington Pop! will cost the eager collector about $460 - $500!

1. Hopper - Gold Edition

Funko Pop! Stranger Things Steve

Finally, at number one, we're no longer talking about rookie numbers, as this Funko Pop! is valued within the four-digit range!

This, like entries two and three, is an exclusive Pop! to Funko Fundays in 2018, but the massive difference is that there are only 40 of this figure in the entire world.

Announced by David Harbour at the Fundays event himself, this Funko Pop! was won by participants at a particular table. It's also unknown if anyone else received the Pop!, whether it was distributed in a minimal number of mystery boxes or given to Funko employees. But, wherever these 40 Funko Pops! are now, and if any of them go on sale, collectors should be prepared to pay a LOT of money simply to have the figure in their collection.

According to Funko valuation websites based on previous sales, this Pop! is valued at an insane $3,570! However, there's been an online sale of a signed edition of this pop which sold for a crazy $6,500!

So, it's safe to say that if you come across this item, it'll be even more costly than these perceived values. To put it mildly, being a Stranger Things fan is not cheap.


James joined WhatCulture in early 2022. He is an expert on Doctor Who (well, the modern era) and Harry Potter. Currently, James is studying media, film, and communications at the University of Otago in New Zealand.