12 Small Details You Only Notice Rewatching Bojack Horseman
1. I See You
Sticking with Free Churro for the number one spot, as it really is a concept they could not wring anything else out of if they tried. This little catch though comes not from the monologue (at least not entirely), but from the opening scene.
The episode begins with young BoJack waiting in the rain, while his dad Butterscotch drives to pick him up. Butterscotch’s first words of the episode? ‘I see you’.
Like ‘what are you doing here?’, it’s something which means absolutely nothing on a first watch. Butterscotch sees BoJack. He tells him. The end.
Once you’ve seen Free Churro though, you’ll know ‘I see you’ means a great deal. It’s Bea’s last words to BoJack, and he spends a big portion of his stream of consciousness monologue trying to dissect what she meant.
In the end, it turns out she was only reading the sign on the wall (ICU), with BoJack realising that her last words to him actually meant nothing. His mom died, and all he got was a free churro.