12 Times The Simpsons Went Dark
10. Do It For Her

Throughout the series, we're given small glimpses into the early years of Homer and Marge and it's not always pretty. For example, in "And Maggie Makes Three," we're shown that both Bart and Lisa were not planned (hence why Homer is bald).
As a result of supporting a sudden family, Homer was forced to take a tedious job at the Nuclear Power Plant, where he continued to work until he was finally out of debt. When he finally pays off all his debts, he can finally quit the plant and follow his dream of working at a bowling alley.
All is finally good in his life until a bomb is dropped; Marge is pregnant again, meaning there's going another mouth to feed. With his new salary not enough to cover the costs, he has no choice but go back to Mr. Burns' office on his hands and knees begging for his old job back. Mr. Burns happily agrees but redecorates his office with a new plaque that reads: "Don't forget, you're here forever."
However, Homer manages to turn it around. He takes all the pictures of Maggie and pins them to the plaque, making it say: "Do it for her." While a lot consider this one of the more touching episodes, it is also rather dark to know that this a common reality for a lot of parents. Stuck in a dead-end job trying to make the best for their kids' futures.
Just hoping it'll all be worth it in the end.