13 Best Original Characters In Star Wars: The Clone Wars

If only some of these characters had been in the prequel trilogy...

Captain Rex Star Wars The Clone Wars Lucasfilm

Star Wars: The Clone Wars is a mesmerising addition to the franchise canon. The added layers given to the stories of Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda and Padme Amidala - to name but a few - are wonderful to watch and rich with detail. The themes of hope, justice and peace ring throughout the series without missing a single beat.

But the true power of the show lies with the creation of some truly unforgettable new characters. Bounty hunters, pirates, Jedi, Sith and more, these newcomers gave the show the added spark that took Clone Wars to the next level.

The writers' ability to bring in new faces to a well established cast is expertly done, and many of these newcomers are worthy of being ranked alongside the likes of Han Solo, Luke Skywalker and R2-D2.

In the following list, entries are going to focus on characters created in the The Clone Wars, so people like Kit Fisto, Plo Koon, Luminara Unduli and Boba Fett won't be included, despite excelling on the show. All the characters on this list have something to give, and many stand as the best the canon has to offer.


13. Duchess Satine

Captain Rex Star Wars The Clone Wars Lucasfilm

After Padme Amidala, Duchess Satine Kryze is the next big female politician on the show. The leader of Mandalore, Satine is a kind and loving leader, and her aversion to the war made her a strong figure on the show.

Though she could be overly stubborn and difficult for the Jedi and the Senate to deal with, her conviction makes her one of the show's best and most compelling creations.

Her biggest role in the show comes in the form of her relationship with Obi-Wan Kenobi. The two share a past and are often at odds about both the war and the fate of Mandalore, and whilst this gives Obi-Wan the opportunity to get a more fulfilling backstory, Satine's role is both affecting and powerful, making her a strong leading lady in her own right and an interesting figure.

Her Season 5 death at the hands of Maul remains one of the show's most devastating and shocking moments, and her absence is the catalyst leading to the series' epic Siege of Mandalore.

Despite her stubbornness, Satine is a character we loved by all, and one all Star Wars fans can only wish more people thought like.


i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other