13 Darkest Star Trek: The Original Series Moments
1. Charlie's Fate In Charlie X
The tragedy of Charlie Evans is twofold. He had spent most of his life alone and just wanted to fit in, but he was easily frustrated by a society he didn't understand and took his frustrations out on the Enterprise crew. As a result, he was doomed to live his entire life surrounded by aliens because his powers made him too dangerous to live with other humans.
The Thasians had given him their powers to help him survive, but since Charlie had proven he could not be trusted to use them responsibly around other humans, they felt it was their responsibility to take Charlie back to their planet and take care of him.
Charlie's temper and impetuous nature certainly made him dangerous, including the added darkness, as discussed, of him killing crewmembers by vanishing their faces and presumably suffocating them, but being forced to spend the rest of his life surrounded by immaterial aliens was a sad fate for a lonely boy who just wanted people to like him. Both the Enterprise crew and Charlie himself were victims.
What do you think of our choices for the 13 darkest moments of Star Trek: The Original Series? Were there any we missed? Let us know in the comments!