13 Reasons Why Review: 10 Ups & 9 Downs From ALL 4 Seasons

4. It Lost Sight Of What It Was As It Went On

13 Reasons Why Season 4 Justin Clay Ani Jessica

If someone had told you back when 13 Reasons Why began that this emotional, compelling series would descend into full-blown murder mystery with plot twists and whodunits aplenty, you probably wouldn't have believed them.

We'll talk in greater detail about how the Riverdale-like reinvention was better than the alternative a little bit later on, but it doesn't change the fact that each successive season steered the show further and further away from what it once was and, in the process, ended up diluting its premise.

A show without a purpose, it went off the rails in a bid to find one - and, again, that was better than dragging the original story out beyond recognition, but that doesn't mean the show was at all recognisable anyway.

It's an odd journey from Season 1 to 4 and, by the time Season 3 rolls around, it's a semi-believable one... but it didn't stop the show from losing that grounded storytelling that made it so damn gripping in the first place.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.