13 Reasons Why Season 2: 10 Big Questions We're Left With

7. What Is Meth Seth Up To?

13 Reasons Why Season 2

Justin's problems aren't just drug-related. His mom's abusive boyfriend Seth has resurfaced, and this will no doubt spell more trouble for the damaged teenager.

Justin not only stole money from Meth Seth, he also persuaded his mom to leave Seth once and for all, so the drug dealer will have several axes to grind with the young man when he meets him face-to-face.

Moreover, with Justin staying at Clay's house now, he finally has the family that he's always wanted. Seth's re-appearance threatens to tear his happiness apart.

As Justin spoke to Clay in Monets, Seth was watching from the window — with an unsettling look on his face. Will he try to get his money back from Justin, or does he have something much worse planned for his so-called stepson?


Stephen Patterson is an experienced writer and reviewer. He's also a TV addict.