13 Small Details You Only Notice Rewatching The Office
12. The Plasma TV & Garage Sale

Dinner Party is among the greatest Office episodes made, with Pam, Jim, Andy, and Angela going to Michael and Jan's for dinner. While there, they're given a tour of the condo, including the few personal touches Michael has been able to apply. His prized possession is his tiny plasma TV, which he bought for $200, and which Jan breaks later in the episode.
Later in the series, though, after Jan and Michael have broken up, it's shown that Michael kept the broken TV on the wall, and simply placed a bigger, working TV underneath it.
Eventually, though, he does come to get rid of it, in Season 7's Garage Sale. Not that he throws it out, but that he actually attempts to sell the broken plasma TV. At the same garage sale, we can also see the clown painting that Jim and Pam couldn't get off the wall of their house. They clearly finally managed it, and put it up for sale too.