14 TV Shows That Just Got Cancelled
The shows that have been made history, have no tomorrow, and are no longer standing.

The month of May brings with it a few certainties: spring is in full swing, flowers are blooming and the weather is (somewhat) improving, Marvel release a big new movie, the NBA play-offs heat up, the Premier League comes to an end (with bitter acceptance for Sunderland AFC), and the network TV season comes to a close as well, bringing to an end the seasons of all the major fall television shows.
For some of them, however, it's not just the end of their current season, but the end of their life altogether. May is a month when shows exist in a sort of stasis, nervously waiting to discover if they've been cancelled or renewed (a lot of series find this out a lot earlier, of course, if they're either hugely successful/disastrous).
Shows that just made it through to another season include big superhero dramas from both sides of the Marvel/DC divide, in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Gotham, and (thankfully) Fox's New Girl, which gets a seventh (and final) season. Others were cancelled a while back, such as ABC's Hayley Atwell vehicle Conviction. Timeless was cancelled by NBC, and then they resurrected it just a few days later after the outcry from fans.
While there may be those who malign the fates of some of these shows, these are the ones that weren't so lucky, and won't be getting another chance.