6. The Love Spell Potential
Season 6, Episode 23
Title Reference: Sheldon and Amy's characters are put under a love spell during a game of "Dungeons and Dragons". After the girls trip to Vegas falls though they join the boys for a game of Dungeons and Dragons. With Howard as Dungeon master he incorporates lots of fantastic impressions of celebrities into the game. When the rest of the group try to cast a "love spell" onto Sheldon and Amy's characters in the game Amy gets upset and storms off. When Sheldon goes after her they having a very touching moment as a couple where Sheldon reveals how he truly feels about her. Meanwhile Raj goes on a date with Lucy, but during the date she climbs out of the bathroom window again to escape the comfortable situations. He catches her and they end up kissing.
Best Moment: Howard's impressions of Nicolas Cage, Christopher Walken, Al Pacino and Raj.