15 Best How I Met Your Mother Episodes
5. How I Met Everyone Else (Season 3, Episode 5)
"Think of me as Yoda. Only instead of being little and green, I wear suits and I'm awesome. I'm your bro. I'm Broda."
How I Met Your Mother works brilliantly well with flashback episodes, and How I Met Everyone Else perfectly captures the tone of the show and how great it can be from a narrative standpoint. As he tries to introduce his date to the gang, Ted and the others recount the stories of how they each met one another.
This opens up a lot of doors. Not only do fans get to see the famous Lily-Marshall meet cute, but they also get a deeper insight into how Barney managed to wriggle his way into the gang. The Lily-Marshall backstory stands as the episode's best, full of sweet anecdotes and hilariously over-the-top sappiness, but Barney and Marshall's introduction is definitely the funniest, with Marshall convinces his new "Broda" that he's great at picking up women in bars.
Like all great HIMYM episodes, this season three high-point is equal parts crazy and touching, showing how the gang came together and showing how they're still friends after all this time.