15 Best TV Shows Of 2024 (So Far)

3. Carol & The End Of The World

Baby Reindeer

Released in December 2023, Carol & the End of the World missed the deadline for our 2023 best-of list, so here it stands, finally getting the shout-out it deserves.

An animated miniseries from Netflix, created by The Onion's Dan Guterman, Carol & the End of the World takes place during a looming apocalypse; there's a falling planet heading for Earth, and in less than a year everything and everyone will be dead. So far, so fun.

But despite its depressing premise, Guterman's dramedy is actually quite sweet, following Carol (Martha Kelly), a middle-aged woman who feels uncertain how to spend her final days, as she tries to find some peace of mind before the end. Meanwhile, the rest of the world goes wild living out their greatest fantasies. 

Irreverent, surreal and balancing its bonkers humour with philosophical musings about life and death, Carol & the End of the World ends with inevitable heartbreak, but you'll finish it smiling and ready to embrace life for all it has. We only live once, after all. 

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I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.