15 Cult Sci-Fi TV Series That Ended Way Too Soon

3. Torchwood

The Doctor Who spin off, Torchwood, has a chequered history, only having two regular seasons followed by two mini-series in all the time since 2006. The last of these mini-series, Miracle Day, started with good ratings but gradually lost viewers as it went on, although the story is a well-crafted and gripping tale. At the end of Miracle Day, there was a sense of new life being breathed into the property. The new supporting character, Rex, had survived to join Torchwood properly and Captain Jack and Gwen were all fired up and ready to tackle new threats. Except those new adventures never materialised. Torchwood's creator, Russell T Davies, has said the programme is now on indefinite hiatus for "personal reasons". By contrast, the co-producers of Season 4, Starz, have indicated they'd be happy to consider a fifth outing for Captain Jack, if only RTD would write something. While fans wait, it seems an upcoming series of BBC radio plays may be their best chance of hearing Captain Jack's voice again.

Mike has lived in the UK, Japan and the USA. Currently, he is based in Iowa with his wife and 2 young children. After working for many years as a writer and editor for a large corporation, he is now a freelancer. He has been fortunate enough to contribute to many books on Doctor Who over the last 20 years and is now concentrating on original sci-fi & fantasy short stories, with recent sales including Flame Tree, Uffda, and The Martian Wave. Also, look for his contribution on Blake's 7 to "You and Who Else", a charity anthology to be released later this year. You can find him on Tumblr at https://www.tumblr.com/blog/culttvmike