15 Greatest Alan Partridge Moments

11. Custard OK and Noel Gallagher

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9RrlXSMkt0 A clip that truly displays Alan's talents as an interviewer, flitting effortlessly from a serious interview about safe sex to a light hearted yet still revealing chat with Oasis guitarist Noel Gallagher. Alan both entertains and informs, helpfully clarifying that custard is perfectly fine as a lubricative aide as well as isolating the linking strands that explain the proliferation of famous Noels. Quite simply, lovely stuff.

Phil is a politics graduate interested in film, TV and tweeting Alan Partridge quotes to obscure British celebrities. He is currently reviewing every film he watches between Halloween 2013 and Halloween 2014 over on his blog - www.philfilmblog.blogspot.co.uk