12. Neverwhere (1996)
This series was created by Neil Gaiman for television and remains one of the most visually interesting shows of the era. Set in the magical realm of 'London Below', this place is discovered by Gary Bakewell's very unassuming businessman Richard Mayhew (who lives in the world above - our world - of London Above) when he saves the life of a mysterious woman known simply as 'Door' (played by Laura Fraser). Door, in transpires, has the power to unlock any door is being hunted by mysterious assassins. Loosing everything in his life, Richard joins Door as they travel into a world of the homeless, Medieval monk and Roman Legionnaires. It is a bizarre mix of history and fantasy and the world is created perfectly. Added to this we have fantastical characters played by brilliant actors; Peter Capaldi as
the Angel Islington who guards London Below and Paterson Jospeh as a trickster and ally, the Maquis De Caribas.
Neverwhere is fondly remembered by those that saw it but seems to sit as half-forgotten gem of 90's british television. The story of course got adapted into a book by Neil Gaiman (and later a graphic novel) and there have been rumours of a film adaption, but the television show is definitely worth another look. Let's start below with the introduction of the Maquis... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHpYWy89yVU