15 Mind-Blowing Facts You Didn't Know About Red Dwarf

11. Dave Lister Was Originally Dave Hollins

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2clseRGGkVE Influences on Red Dwarf include The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and Aliens, but the inspiration goes all the way back to 1974 when Rob Grant and Doug Naylor watched John Carpenter's spaced-out odyssey, Dark Star. Ten years later the pair were producing a Radio 4 sketch show called Son of Cliché when they introduced a running story about a hapless traveller marooned from Earth called Dave Hollins: Space Cadet. Dave was voiced by Nick Wilton and his on-board computer Hab (later Holly) was voiced by some bloke called Chris Barrie. Never heard of him. Only five sketches of Dave Hollins: Space Cadet were made but they were enough to help develop ideas for a Red Dwarf pilot script which would become well-worn around the BBC before being commissioned by BBC North and Paul Jackson. Hollins went from being a wistful, American-sounding loner named after a 70s Welsh goalkeeper to Lister, a curry-eating, beer-stained Scouser who was his own father.
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