15 Most Annoying Mistakes You Never Noticed In The Walking Dead

1. Magical Gasoline

The Walking Dead Daryl Tattoos

Episode: Every episode from Season 3 onwards

We’re not sure exactly what is fuelling all the cars, motorcycles, campervans and trucks in The Walking Dead – pixie dust, perhaps? – but it sure as hell can’t be gasoline, at least not as we know it.

Contrary to what TWD would have you think, gasoline doesn’t have a very long shelf life and definitely not enough to fuel you through seven seasons of the apocalypse.

A cursory Google search tells us most gasoline has a shelf life of around three to six months, unless a fuel stabiliser is used. After that, it starts to degrade and although still usable for a bit it could really bugger up all those brand new Hyundais Rick and Co love driving around.

It makes sense that the makers of TWD decided to forego fact on this matter. After all, if Rick and Co were carless they’d probably all be dead by now and if we focus on TWD’s magical gasoline then we’d also have to consider how all the female characters seem to have freshly shaved legs and underarms, how lawns are still beautifully manicured years into the apocalypse and so on and so on …

It’s probably better just to fully suspend our disbelief on this one, at least if we still want to enjoy the show.

Have you spotted any other annoying mistakes in The Walking Dead? Let us know down in the comments.


Helen Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.