15 Most Important TV Deaths 2015

1. Clara Oswald (Doctor Who)

Cause Of Death: 'Faced the raven' after taking the chronolock counting down to death from Rigsy. Why It's Important: Clara has been the longest serving companion on Doctor Who since its 2005 revival, so killing her off is a big deal. It had already been announced that Jenna Coleman would be leaving the show, but not that she would be dying, and coming in just the 10th episode was a surprise. It was a big emotional moment, and for all the criticisms of Clara over the last couple of years, this perfectly displayed her strength and how great a companion she really is. Or was. The death took an an added significance in the fantastic Series 9 finale, when she came back to life. Sort of. The Doctor was able to go back to the time of her death and bring her back, although she's not actually alive, but living between two heartbeats. This meant that she got to have an emotional death, but also become a Doctor-type in her own right, complete with TARDIS and companion, and received an absolutely perfect send-off. Which TV death of 2015 do you feel is the most important? Any we've missed? Sound off in the comments thread below.Like this article? Follow us on Twitter.
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Kit Harington
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NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.