15 Most Overrated TV Shows Of The Decade (So Far)

14. The Big Bang Theory

The Show: A sitcom that revolves around four nerdy scientists and the ridiculously attractive girl who lives across the hall and inexplicably hangs out with them. Why It's Overrated: It's hard to argue with the fact that The Big Bang Theory filled a unique niche when it came out: it felt like one for the geeks, what with its abundance of pop-culture references to Star Trek, gaming and whatnot, but it was also broad enough that non-geeks could enjoy it and perhaps feel a little more clever as a result. The amusingly acerbic characters were well-drawn, especially Jim Parson's acidic Sheldon, but by the time it got a few seasons in, BBT had essentially Flanderized most of its characters, transforming them into one-note caricatures. The romances and plot-lines also started to get too outlandish, and by its currently-airing eighth season, it just feels like the show continues because it makes too much money to be shut down. The annoying laugh track and pandering humour are so grating, and it just feels like the actors don't have their hearts in it anymore. Still, people clearly love it, because it's only recently hit its ratings peak, suggesting it has plenty of life left.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.