15 Most Overrated TV Shows Of The Decade (So Far)

12. The Walking Dead

The Show: Based on the acclaimed comic book of the same name, The Walking Dead unfolds in a post-apocalyptic world where zombies (referred to as "walkers") roam free, and threaten the survival of any human they come across. Of course, owing to human nature, the walkers aren't the only things the few survivors need to worry about... Why It's Overrated: TWD premiered with an absolutely killer first season, full of entertaining drama, fabulous gore and exciting plot twists. Season two was like a dramatic brick wall, though, stationing most of the characters in one rather boring location for far too long, with countless episodes devoted to increasingly inane soap opera storylines and, well, not enough zombie action. Having just finished up its fifth season, the show is nothing if not inconsistent: some episodes are absolutely spectacular, whereas others are bloated and dull. What certainly helps the show is that its season finales are almost always pretty strong, which helps fans to forget about some of the tedium which has come before. Even so, it's pretty astounding that its just-finished fifth season (admittedly one of the better ones) has resulted in a ratings peak for the series.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.