15 Most Shocking Buffy The Vampire Slayer Moments
1. Basically All Of Seeing Red

Most fans who disapprove of season six bring up Seeing Red as a key reason for their feelings. Rarely in TV history has an episode caused such divisive opinions amongst fans, or caused such an uproar for its actions
First of all, somehow the least shocking moment of the show is the death of one of its main characters, Tara. Having just gotten back together with Willow, Tara is accidentally shot and killed by Warren as he attempts to assassinate Buffy, an action which leads to Willow tapping into dark magic.
This is a big shock, without question, and one of the show’s most tragic scenes, but the most shocking part of the episode involves Spike assaulting Buffy.
It’s an uncomfortable moment, which actor James Marsters has described as the hardest day of his career, and which fans argue is reason for people to hate Spike and others say is a necessary part of his journey, and something he can’t fully be blamed for because he didn’t have a soul.
This action leads Spike to Africa to get his soul back, and Tara’s death gives birth to Dark Willow. It doesn’t get more shocking than that.
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