15 Most Shocking Buffy The Vampire Slayer Moments

10. Willow Flays Warren Alive

Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Mutant Enemy

Willow’s decent into darkness at the end of Season Six makes for great, dramatic TV, and gives the Scooby Gang their most personal adversary yet.

Proving right away to be a witch on a mission, Buffy and Xander realise she’s out to kill Warren for all the pain he’s caused her (which we’ll get to). But of course it’s too late: Willow is too powerful and too hell-bent on revenge to be stopped, and before the others know what's happening, Warren is being tortured by Willow.

When Buffy, Xander and Anya get to her, Willow flays Warren and disappears.

It’s a nasty, violent end, and though no one watching was sad to see Warren meet his end, watching Willow take a life and embrace her evil ways was shocking, bleak and incomprehensible.

You watch thinking Buffy will save the day – save Willow from herself – and then the deed is done and it looks as though Willow is gone for good.


i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other