15 Things You Didn't Know About Kat Dennings

1. She Took The 2 Broke Girls Job Out Of Frustration For Her Little-Seen Indie Movies

Dennings certainly has an impressive filmography to date, from countless TV work to a string of acclaimed indie movies including Charlie Bartlett, Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist, Defendor and Daydream Nation, not to mention her supporting role in the Thor movies as cute nerd Darcy Lewis. However, her primary motivation for taking the role on hit TV show 2 Broke Girls was to deliver work more likely to pay off and expose her to a wider audience rather than flying under the radar as so many indie movies do. She said, €œI mean, to be honest, I will give you my true answer...I think it got to a point where I have done so many small films, and I€™ve worked really, really hard, and these things, sometimes they just disappear. Four months of your life never get seen, and you start to feel kind of tired...2 Broke Girls came right at the right time for me because I had just finished the most intense shoot of my life in a really amazing way." " drama, so intense, complete physical transformation, and I was really drained in a great way, but that emotional, mental drain that only comes by playing someone bipolar, and this fell into my lap, literally, right at the right moment, right when I was feeling, €˜What I do now? I can€™t do another one of these for a really long time.€™ I want to do something where people will definitely see it, because I€™m a hard worker, and I want to work hard, and I want people to appreciate it." Dennings is almost certainly referring to her movie To Write Love on Her Arms, which was filmed around 2011 and only finally got a limited release last month, to mostly positive reviews (from the few critics who even bothered to watch it). With the better pay and profile boost that her TV show grants her, who can blame her wanting to star in something more broad and accessible? What's your favourite obscure fact about Kat Dennings? Got any other ones worth knowing? Shout it all out in the comments!
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.