15 Times S**t Got Real In Game Of Thrones
7. Bronn Vs The Hound (Almost)
Having been exposed to the brutal exploits of both Bronn and Sandor Clagane, it was clear that both men have pretty good credentials when it comes to killing. Given their alignment with a Lannister each it was very unexpected for them to face off against one another, especially at a point in the story when Stannis was coming for all of them.
But face off they did. Beginning with an awkward conversation that was thrilling in and of itself, and turning into a strangely calm escalation to violence instigated by both men. Their similarities and differences would certainly make for an epic battle and here it was being threatened by both men.
The Hound's grim certainty and Bronn's eerily casual resolve made for a strange dynamic that fed our fear and piqued our curiosity. The tolling of the bells sounding Stannis' arrival was no guarantee that these two wouldn't settle things then and there but it did end. Uneasily.
It's rare to be teased with such an interesting prospect as this. With Game Of Thrones there is great speculation as to who would be the last man standing out of all the great warriors. That was a big question which may never be answered.