15 Unanswered Lost Questions That Totally Have Explanations

6. What's Up With Eloise Hawking?

Lost Polar Bear

Eloise Hawking was always a mysterious character. During a Desmond episode where he's experiencing strange flashes into the past, she appears as a woman in a ring shop who insists Desmond go to the island. She seems to have knowledge of the future, although in that episode it isn't even clear if she's real or just a part of Desmond's subconscious.

Later it's revealed that she is indeed a real woman, and in fact is scientist Saniel Faraday's mother. In Season 5, she's highly involved in getting the Oceanic 6 back to the island, knowing a whole lot about how to do so. So who is this woman and how does she know so much?

The Explanation: Throughout the series Daniel Faraday keeps a journal with all his notes about Desmond and the island. When he travels back to 1977, Eloise shoots Faraday and then takes his journal. She now has access to this complete guide to what's going to happen in the future, particularly with Desmond. She also has all of Faraday's research about the island.

So how does she know about Desmond, the island and even when a scaffolding was going to collapse? Simply put, she knows because it was in the journal, and she was following what Faraday wrote in order to prevent a paradox.

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Lover of horror movies, liker of other things. Your favorite Friday the 13th says a lot about you as a person, and mine is Part IV: The Final Chapter.