17 Visually Stunning TV Opening Credits

11. True Blood

True Detective

True Blood wasn’t Alan Ball’s first rodeo in making visually appealing title sequences. His show Six Feet Under won an Outstanding Main Title Design in 2002, and True Blood got pretty dang close seven years later.

True Blood opens with a montage of untamed wilderness, archival footage, and gruesome scenes detailing the decaying infrastructure of Louisiana and literal decaying animals. Yeah, you read that right.

The muddy cinematography is assisted by a Polaroid transfer technique which splices the beginnings and ends of frames so shots burn into one another. Montages of Louisiana life and horrific bloody imagery are edited together to explore themes of death, race, religion, and everything else that comes with being a vampire.

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A journalist who can't fall asleep during films; it's a blessing and a curse. Indie games are the spice of my life.