20 Best Breaking Bad Moments

16. €œYou Got Me.€

These three small words spoken by Walter are seen twice in the series. The first in live action, as a sarcastic retort after Hank dryly joked he might have been the €œW.W.€ that was Heisenberg. The second time? A brief flashback to that same first moment, when Hank finally realises that Walter is indeed the €œW.W.€ that is Heisenberg at the conclusion of Season 5's first half. In typical Breaking Bad fashion this second moment, a major turning point in the whole series was given its own particular surreal and humorous twist by occurring whilst Hank was taking a dump. There was even a particular sound effect of a small nugget hitting the water which AMC decided to edit out of the end of the live broadcast. Apparently Breaking Bad was sometimes too Breaking Bad. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lC4tAK231mw

Betting on being a brilliant brother to Bodhi since 2008 (-1 Asian Handicap). Find me @LiamJJohnson on Twitter where you might find some wonderful pearls of wisdom in a stout cocktail of profanity, football discussion and general musings. Or you might not. Depends how red my eyes are.