20 Best Family Guy Episodes

2. Saving Private Brian

Family Guy has never been too afraid to go into controversial issues, but thankfully, they keep it light here, and bring some absolutely fantastic comedy to a serious situation. Stewie and Brian get drafted to Iraq, where they undergo some hilarious training with direct references to classic war movies, and are then sent out into the field, where they try and get themselves sent home but fail. Meanwhile Chris joins a metal band and starts to rebel against his parents. Quite simply, it's all gold, with some absolutely ingenious cutaway's such as Gregory Peck's kids and Zinedine Zidane delivering birthday telegrams, while Peter and Lois react in a typically clueless fashion to their son's behaviour and Stewie and Brian do the usual mix between hating and loving each other.
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A super-villain in a world without heroes. Dedicated writer on all things Liverpool FC, brutally honest about things he dislikes, overly passionate about things he cares about. Lover of Pop Punk music, The Office(US), San Andreas and novelty boxer shorts. Follow him on twitter @matt_volpi