20 Best South Park Episodes Ever

19. Butters' Bottom Bitch (Season 13, Episode 9)

South Park Trapped In The Closet
Comedy Central

Quite probably the greatest of the Butters-centric episodes also functions as an hysterical send-up of prostitution, as Butters becomes a "kissing pimp" after learning that a local girl, Sally, is selling kisses for $5.

The economics and business practices of Butters' racket are all are disturbingly transferable to real life, and of course, seeing a character as sweet as he is trying to be taken seriously is always a lot of fun.

Best Moment: Sergeant Yates goes undercover in drag as a prostitute to combat the surge in night time activity, arresting the Johns in various sting operations while clearly relishing the whole experience. After an encounter at a frat house, he even farts a buttload of semen into a plastic evidence bag. Yuck.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.