20 Best TV Comedy Shows Of The 21st Century

15. Gavin And Stacey

The Office

Yes, it may be the lone British effort on this list, but this warm-hearted sitcom earned a place above the bigger budget, slicker likes of The Good Place by virtue of having something Hollywood efforts have typically had trouble faking—a real sense of place and a genuine heart beneath its ribald punchlines.

Following the courtship of the titular couple as well as their dysfunctional (read: obviously far funnier) friends Nessa and Smithy, this endlessly quotable comedy endeavoured to offer a fairly traditional sitcom in the age of deconstruction and ambitious meta-comedy, and as a result gave us a hysterically funny classic worth returning to for decades to come—and not just because we need to know how the Christmas special cliffhanger was resolved.


Cathal Gunning hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.