20 Doctor Who Moments We'll NEVER Forget

9. Four Knocks (The End Of Time Part Two)

Doctor Who Sarah Jane School Reunion
BBC Studios

The End of Time brought David Tennant's era to a barnstormer of a climax. The confrontation between the Doctor, the Master, and Rassilon, and the sucker punch ending was an emotional rollercoaster.

Tennant plays a blinder here, from his disbelief at surviving the encounter, to his gut-wrenching realisation that he's still got one last person to save. Cribbins is also brilliant – bringing on the tears with the slightest of expressions. And Murray Gold is rarely better.

That being said, did Wilf really need to knock on that glass four times? Way to stick the knife in, Mott!

If there's a scene that best encapsulates who the Doctor is, it's this. The hero who can breezily avert the destruction of an entire planet, but will give their life to save just one person.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.