20 Doctor Who Moments We'll NEVER Forget

18. "Because I'm CLEVER!" (Midnight)

Doctor Who Sarah Jane School Reunion
BBC Studios

There's always a danger that Doctor Who can become too safe, because the audience knows the Doctor will save the day. Midnight brilliantly turned all of that on its head by putting the Doctor in a situation he could neither control nor understand.

It's extraordinary to see David Tennant's Tenth Doctor – arguably the most confident of them all – growing increasingly exasperated with his paranoid and frightened traveling companions, all of which builds to the unforgettable moment where the Doctor frustratedly tells them that they should listen to him because he's clever, before they all threaten to throw him off the shuttle.

It's one of the most frightening moments in Doctor Who because it further chips away his authority, making him powerless to stop the situation from spiralling wildly out of control.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.