20 Doctor Who Moments We'll NEVER Forget

16. Daleks Vs. Cybermen (Doomsday)

Doctor Who Sarah Jane School Reunion
BBC Studios

The fight between the Daleks and the Cybermen in Doomsday was something that old-school fans had been dreaming about since they were nine years old. It was also really cool to watch if you were nine years old in 2006. It was this perfect moment that brought Doctor Who fandom young and old together in collective joy.

And it was only modern Doctor Who's second year on telly!

The actual battle scenes aren't as good as you remember, but will we ever forget the hilarious smack-talking between the Daleks and the Cybermen? What RTD remembered was that both villains had a lot more personality back in the '60s, and he brings that in spades with one of the greatest mic-drops in the show: "This is not war, this is pest control."

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.