20 Funniest Community Moments Of All Time
8. The Dean's Rap
The Dean, never without a reason to be in costume, had to deliver the bad news that the staff checks were going to be late. So instead of just writing a memo like a normal human being, he decides to put it in the form of a rap song. Naturally, because this is Greendale, it predictably goes off the rails and we're left with a broken man who clearly is dealing with some underlying social issues.
It starts off with a typical white guy trying to rap joke, but soon enough things get real, and Dean Pelton starts spinning rhymes that would make Ice T raise his eyebrows. The anger and frustration in the Dean's voice only makes his sudden realization of what he's saying so much funnier.
Key Quote: "Barack Obama be scared o' me cuz I don' swallow knowledge and I spit it fo' free." - Dean Pelton